
Miamidade transit tracker
Miamidade transit tracker

miamidade transit tracker

Velocia’s rewards platform is said to encourage users to adopt a variety of transportation options available in their city by providing rewards every time they connect or use a partner mobility service on the platform, including Miami-Dade public transit. The County’s partnership with Velocia goes to the heart of our mission to reduce gridlock across our roads while creating a healthier, more sustainable community for everyone who lives and works here.” Gimenez, said: “This public-private model for urban transportation allows us to leverage a mobility ecosystem already in existence to create an infrastructure-light solution that rewards people for breaking the habit of travelling in cars with just one occupant. The partnership with Velocia is said to be the preferred fast track solution. The fast track objective was to partner the technology and exponential business sectors with the public sector to solve the traffic problem in Miami-Dade. In 2017, the Mayor of Miami-Dade, along with the Knight Foundation, Miami Dade Express Authority and the Codina Family funded the Fastrack Institute led by Salim Ismail to ‘fast track’ a Miami mobility solution. Commuters in Miami-Dade County can now get rewarded for using public transit, car-sharing, bike- and scooter-sharing, carpooling and walking, through a new public-private partnership with Velocia, a mobility app that rewards multimodal transit use in cities.

Miamidade transit tracker